A wearable Laser Tag game system developed from scratch for our Computer Engineering Capstone Project consisting of 5 Subsystems:
1. H/W sensors including the Laser Tag Gun, Vest and Glove
2. H/W AI to predict gun and hand actions based on real time data from H/W sensors on Ultra96 FPGA
3. Internal Communications to relay data between H/W and Relay Laptop using BLE
4. External Commuications between Relay Laptop, Ultra96 and Visualizer using TCP
5. Visualizer to display game status using AR
- Module CG4002 Computer Engineering Capstone Project
- Report CG4002 Capstone Design Report
- H/W DFROBOT Beetle BLE, MPU-6050
- LanguageC, C#, Verilog, Python
- Github CG4002 Computer Engineering Capstone Project